Headlines you may have missed on CNN with anti-government rant at no extra charge.

14 July 2009

Headlines - 07/14/2009

How Much For The Face lift?
$18 million for website redesign of recovery.gov - http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/27781/
The sight supposedly tracks the "stimulus" spending. WTF are they putting on that website that will cost 18 million dollars? This is a perfect example of the damage that is done by centralizing government. We don't have this much waste at the water treatment plant, and we don't send the water down there because its clean.

Can I Pay You Back Later?
State of CA doles out 4 million dollars during Jackson funeral
The state that is issuing IOU's instead of paychecks is paying for a private funeral? This is a perfect example of liberal state governance running with blinders on. Think they'll be chipping in for security when that Manilow guy cashes it in? Me neither, but I don't think Al Sharpton will make too much of a fuss regarding that one. I think the Jacksons should have ponied up for their own security, and if they didn't have the scratch, then a private funeral instead of a national circus would've been a nice idea.

Could I Get Some New World Order On This Climate Tax Bill?
Al Gore says the climate bill will help bring about global governance. - http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/27778/
Who wants global governance? This is a perfect example of how rabid progressivism has assumed control of the federal government and is a clear and present danger to not only our sovereignty, but the freedom of every nation in the world to retain the right of self determination - using "climate change" as an excuse to rule and control. This will end badly.

10 Easy Installments Of ... $54 Billion?
House of Reps to begin deliberation on $540 billion tax increase to pay for health care reform. - http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=50895
I didn't know the health care reform bill had passed...(loud guffaw!) as if anything the anointed messiah wants will even be debated in the rubber stamp Congress. The 540 billion is over 10 years, which is also troubling because their idea of health care reform will cost endlessly more than 540 billion over 10 years. This a perfect example of how misguided liberal agendas that supposedly "help" people expand like a cancer to the detriment of far reaching unforeseen arenas. Apparently the government thinks money appears out of thin air and a massive tax increase will not adversely effect a struggling economy. You know, its okay though, they're not coming for you. Only the rich will be taxed. Only the people who sign your paycheck will be taxed, and then will either be forced to lay you off, or increase the price of goods and services so they can maintain, because the rent man knocks at everyone's door. Don't fret though, the gubment will be coming for you too. Today he comes for your neighbor, and tomorrow he will come for you. (If only there were no rich people, and we all lived off of a government pittance... now that would be ideal.)

Blah, Blah, Blah.
Pelosi vows to read full text of health care reform bill and promises to allow "ample" time for public review before a vote. - http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=50887
This is a perfect example of a liberal elitist clinging to the ramparts of power by doling out free
cheese in the guise of helping the needy but in reality creating a burgeoning welfare entitlement class. My initial reaction... PELOSI CAN READ?!? Upon further contemplation, I begrudgingly allow that yes, Pelosi must have the ability to read. I will not testify as to her ability to speak whole truths, however; and, her statements regarding reading this entire bill, and making it available for public review is at best a sanctimonious half truth and, most likely, an outright lie. It really doesn't matter what language is used to spell out that steaming pile of legislation, or if the people have an opportunity to peruse it because neither public outcry or political opposition will prevent its passage and the utter destruction of the health care industry as we know it. This is the perfect example of a liberal squawk-box politician sand dancing to placate a mesmerized and indifferent public. Yes, optimism springs eternal.

Bad Vs Evil
China is blaming violence in its Xinjiang province on outside influence, and implicates Uighur activists and al-Quaida involvement. - http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=50919
A communist totalitarian regime is now under attack by a group whose goal is world-wide totalitarian theocracy. Impossible to pick a side in this one, but I'll give the edge to the Chinese because not even a Muslim extremist can match a commie for genocide and mind control. This is a perfect example of something, being some way because of another thing. Perfect example.

But He Isn't Muslim
Obama administration frees Iran "diplomats" seized during Iraq war. - http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=ZjY0MjkwOWVkYTNlYzE2ZjM1N2E5M2M0MTdiYTI3MzM
Well, as it turns out the Iranian "diplomats" are actually members of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps who were advising Iraqi insurgents on how to better kill American Soldiers. Is anyone surprised that Barry, not a Muslim, has again proactively shown favor to radical Islamists? The seeds of weakness being sown by this administration will be reaped in the blood of patriots. This is a perfect example of how the main stream media sanitizes a news story for popular consumption instead of broadcasting the filthy truth that their government is lying prostrate at the feet of those who wish to eliminate us instead of punishing them with a strong right hand.

Judge Dread
Sotomayor confirmation hearings are underway and she likely will face tough questions. - http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/vernon/090713\
She has repeated many times her belief that female Latinas make better decisions that white males. She has been associated with racist Latino organizations. She has imposed "reverse" discriminatory judgements in her courtroom. She has ruled against 1st amendment speech protections. She has denied that the 2nd amendment guarantees the right to own a gun. She has had several judgements reversed by the supreme court. Oh, yeah, she's a winner. I can see her unbiased in deliberating constitutional law. She'll get rubber stamped by the pathetic Congress, just like everything else this corrupt government sees fit to place upon the backs of its populace. She's a perfect fit for a messianic narcissist president and a congress hell bent on legislating a democratic republic into a fascist tyranny. This is the perfect example of what happens when a marxist doctrine becomes manifest in a mainstream political party and dupes the electorate into voting them into power only to then realize that they have effectively voted for a doctrinal revolution of sorts that fundamentally ends the ability of a once free nation to function as a capitalist state. Seen it a million times.

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