Headlines you may have missed on CNN with anti-government rant at no extra charge.

22 June 2009

Headlines - 06/21/2009

Get Out The Vote - Obama has muted response concerning the recent Iranian presidential election and the speculation of election fraud. Okay, really... Obama not going to say much about voter fraud... hmmm. Do I need to elaborate? (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49557).... UPDATE, His Majesty Obama now credits his eloquent inspirational oratory given recently in Cairo, Egypt, as impetus for the Iranian people to rise up against an unjust election. You read that on Gore's internet, Barry? Please... what an arrogant ass.

Here's That Money I Owe You - Todd Stern, U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change, said China to get financial and technological aid from U.S. as part of climate change talks in Denmark. The U.S. is borrowing trillions of dollars to "spend our way out of debt" (which has never succeeded in the history of modern civilization), and to do this we borrow money from the Fed which sells the treasury bills to secure the debt. The majority of the debt is purchased by China. So we are essentially borrowing money from China, and now giving it back to them? We have officially shoved our collective head so far up our own @ss that we can now give ourselves a complete dental exam! (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49542)

Lethal Weapon - The Customs and Border Protection Agency is looking to expand the definition of switchblade knife to include most average folding pocket knives which will potentially make it illegal to carry a pocket knife. Next on the dangerous weapon hit list of the liberal intelligentsia: big rocks and pointy sticks to be outlawed. (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49527)

Thick As Thieves - Obama fires Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, claiming he "no longer had the fullest confidence" in Mr. Walpin. Mr. Walpin had been an efficient auditor for the CNCS uncovering millions of dollars in fraudulent and inappropriate billing to the government agency. Too efficient, as he uncovered some $400k in bilked funds by Obama's buddy Kevin Johnson, Mayor of Sacramento, CA, and some $70k had to be paid back by the Mayor himself. Problem is, the law stipulates Mr. Walpin may not be fired for political reasons. Every time Barry steps in a poo pile, it somehow doesn't seem to stick to his shoe. We'll see how sticky this pile turns out to be. (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/15/walpin-gate/?feat=home_editorials)

Death & Taxes - Congressional Budget Office projects additional 1 trillion dollar deficit if the Kennedy proposed health care reforms are enacted. This excludes the "universal" coverage proposed by Obama. Iowa Senator Tom Harkins (D) explains that money can be raised to offset the deficit through taxes on unhealthy foods like "alcohol and tobacco and sugar and things like that". I'd like to take a second to point out that two of those three are already taxed to death. Maybe instead of spending this country into oblivion by taking over the health care industry, and in doing so destroying it, why don't we make it better by fixing what is broke in the current patient centered quality assurance system? Government takes over the mortgage industry... fiasco. Government takes over the banks... fiasco. Government takes over the auto industry... fiasco. Government takes over health care... you guessed it. (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/Content/Article.aspx?rsrcid=49658)

Hurry Up And Wait - Nationalized health results in extended waiting periods for people to get into hospitals for medical procedures. A million people waiting in the U.K., 900 thousand in Canada. Average E.R. wait time is 16 hours. Gee, that sounds wonderful, and much better than the current system . Thanks, Congress, hurry that right through so we can begin suffering right away! (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49743)

"Hi, I'm Vince For Sham-healthcare" - ABC to air Obamacare infomercial on June 24. The network has refused to sell ads to alternative opinions. I bet we'll get an unbiased look at health care reform from this format. Well, why should health care be different from anything else that is hocked on an infomercial... it is overpriced, doesn't work, and in the end will cost you more than you paid in the first place. (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49720)

Busy Little Bee - "I said in this room last week that I've got to do health care, I've got to do energy, and then I'm looking very closely at doing immigration,” quoth Harry Reid, Senate majority leader. Assuming he gets to "do" all three, this country should be good and screwed for the next half century. Get crackin' Harry! (http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/article.aspx?RsrcID=49711)

08 June 2009

Headlines - 06/08/09

Ford Is Job One - Remeber the bailout to save the American auto industry? Now fiasco ensues. GM dies and becomes a subsidiary of the USSA. Chrysler dies and becomes a piece of Fiat. GM's Hummer division is bought... by the Chinese! Time to buy a Ford. I never thought I'd say that. Obama seized control of GM without consent or approval of Congress, and no input from voters. Hail Caesar! Welcome to fascism ladies and gentleman, leave your wallet at the door.

Whatever You Say, Chet, Whatever You Say... Obama, in a speech delivered during this week's Mid-East swing, claims US one of the largest Muslim countries, which is plainly untrue. America is the largest Christian nation, and the second largest Jewish nation. It is about the 42nd largest Muslim nation. Most of what Obama says is plainly untrue, and the public does not support his agenda - but he still has a 60% approval rating? The American people continue to hit the snooze button while their country runs down the drain. Check http://thelastcrusade.org/2009/06/04/obama-bombs-american-history-101/ for some perspective regarding Obama's take on American history.

I'm With Stupid - Someone in D.C. popped the cork out of Pelosi's pie-hole and, not surprisingly something stupid fell out. "I don’t think we should stop funding the U.N. Population Fund," Pelosi told CNSNews.com Tuesday at a press conference on Capitol Hill. "My knowledge of the fund is that it does not support abortion in China." As it turns out, the fund absolutely promotes abortion, and Pelosi again shows herself to be either an ignoramous or a pathological liar. Being a career politician, I'm going to say that both are highly probable.

It Isn't What I Say It Isn't - White House Budget Director, Peter Orszag, says Obama healthcare reform will not include the rationing of health care. He says the aim is to eliminate unnecessary procedures. So, some pencil pushing bureaucratic knucklehead is going to tell your doctor what procedures you can or can not have, and that is somehow not rationing healthcare? I might be wrong, but isn't that, uh, rationing?

Enemy Within - The mainstream media is quick to villify the killer of abortionist George Tiller and point an accusatory finger toward conservatives and pro-lifers who have incited rational people to murder. The mainstream media is quick to bury the story of the U.S. Army recruiters gunned down by a home grown Muslim convert jihadist, or the N.C. "Jeep Jihadist", or the many other instances of Muslim attacks here in America (Seattle, L.A., NYC), that are classified as "lone gunman" events. So when one kook guns down an abortionist it points to a right wing conspiracy, while a string of continual assaults by Muslim terrorists against our country and culture doesn't raise an eyebrow. Wake up.

Man That Socialism Is Pricey - Coming to a computer near you... internet sales tax. To fund the ever widening gap between social services promised to taxpayers and the actual costs of those services, expect Congress to enact taxes on sales and services purchased via internet. Gee, don't cut back on spending or anything - just find a way to squeeze more blood from that stone.

Turn Left Here - Russian Paper, Pravda, has commentary remarking America's speedy decent into Marxism since the election of Obama, and dissects our rapid downfall finding lack of education, lack of faith, and the election of a socialist president to be the culprit. When Russians think you've gone too far left, you're pretty freaking left.

To Have & To Hold - Polygamists are now demanding the "right" to marry. Hell, by today's standard why not marry anything, a man, some men, a woman, some women, a child, an animal, a plant, your Lexus... WTF. Who cares? The progressive popular thought is that man alone defines what morality is and they view "politically correct" as "right", but then have no defense against that which they know to be "wrong" because they can not differentiate without removing the foundations of their belief. Spiraling. Downward.


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"In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act." - George Orwell